21 octobre 2024

Ukraine et ses centrales nucléaires


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May 25 2022

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi at Davos: Nuclear Power, Climate Change and Ukraine

Mr Grossi took part in a panel discussion moderated by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Distinguished Fellow, Moises Naim, titled States of concern.

Mr. Grossi spoke on the nuclear risks from the conflict in Ukraine and the renewed interest in multilateralism globally.
A recording of the event is available for replay.

“You have bystanders, abstainers, analysts and you have problem solvers. You must have people who look at problems practically,” Mr Grossi said, describing the IAEA as a problem solver.

He said the use of nuclear weapons was “unthinkable” and explained that the IAEA’s focus was on avoiding nuclear accidents derived from an attack on a nuclear power plant or the release of radioactive material.
Mr Grossi added that the IAEA is seeking to visit Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station, under occupation by Russian forces, to verify that the 30,000 kg of plutonium and 40,000 kg of enriched uranium stored there have not been deviated for other uses.

Hesitant to describe the conflict in Ukraine as having a silver lining *, Mr. Grossi did say that there is now, “a renewed conviction that working through international institutions, multilaterally, together will always be a solution — unilateralism doesn’t solve anything it aggravates everything.”

Commentaires :
On se demande bien pourquoi il a fallu tant de mois avant que l’affaire se précise et que l’AIEA puisse se rendre sur le site…

IRSN nous dit qu’il n’y a pas de radioactivité induite par ces faits de guerre. Une guerre propre en quelque sorte…
Des inspecteurs de l’AIEA vont venir sur le site pour …??? constater que l’IRSN a raison (comme toujours) et que la centrale résiste très bien aux bombardements, ce qui prouvera :

1) que la guerre peut se poursuivre
2) que le nucléaire peut continuer à se développer.

Je crains que cette visite ne ressemble à celles de la Croix Rouge dans les camps de concentration pendant le dernière guerre, ce qui commence à dater.

A suivre de près.


* A silver lining is a sign of hope or a positive aspect in an otherwise negative situation.